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Games made with love.


Miralian Woods
Game - Eredia: Diary of Heroes Genre - RPG Developed by POTATOBRAIN

Fairy Village
Game - Eredia: Diary of Heroes Genre - RPG Developed by POTATOBRAIN


Birth of a Mystery
"Mystery creates wonder and wonder is the basis of man's desire to understand." - Neil Armstrong I've been talking about how I've...
Future of Eredia and Potatobrain Games
Greetings to you RPG-loving Potatoes! It has been almost six months since the release of Eredia: Diary of Heroes, the first installment...

Eredia Release Announcement
Good morning, good afternoon, good evening, ladies and gentlemen! The kraken has been released!...Okay, I'll stop with the bad jokes,...
Final Release Date
Helloes potatoes! I've got some good news and bad news. The release date of Eredia: The Diary of Heroes has been pushed by 2 weeks. ...

Eredia Release Plans
Greetings, fellow potatoes! As the chief potato of Potatobrain Games, I am proud to announce the planned release date for Eredia: Diary...

The Maker of Dreams Page Added
Yallow, my lovely potatoes! Today I launched the page for the new free game that I'm working on: The Maker of Dreams! I put the...

Eredia Art Contest, 2017
To celebrate the completion of the development phase of Eredia: Diary of Heroes, we are proud to announce the launch of our very own art...
Latest Progress Report + Announcement
I know it's been long. How're you all doing? Development of the main story branches (except for the final cutscene) along with the...

Progress Report Q1 2017
So, it's finally the time to address the question that's been on everyone's mind - "Why do they call it a pair of pants, but only 1 bra?"...
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