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Forum Posts

Apr 07, 2019
In Free/Partner Games
Hi there! Please read the following rules before posting in this board. - You are free to post about your free game in this board, as long as it does not contain any plagiarized content. You MUST be the game's rightful owner, and all due credits must be given. If you want your game published in the "Games" section, contact me. - In case of commercial games, contact me before posting. There are no charges for posting commercial games. However, I will need to ensure it goes by our quality standards. If you want your game published in the "Games" section, contact me. - No pornographic, racial or abusive content allowed, though mild nudity and sexual innuendo in games is fine. - Posting of Fan Art, Reviews, Let's Play videos related to your games is allowed.
Apr 07, 2019
In Eva Reynes
Hi there! Please read the following rules before posting in this board. - All posts must be related to the games of the Eva Reynes series. - No flaming, abuse, or spam. - No pornographic or sexual content allowed. - Posting of Fan Art, Reviews, Let's Play videos related to Eva Reynes is allowed. - You are requested to report Bugs in the "Questions and Bug Report" board. This board is for discussion specifically related to the game.
Mar 01, 2017
In Eredia
Hi there! Please abide by the following ruleBus before posting in this board. - All posts must be related to the games of the Eredia series. - No flaming, abuse, or spam. - No pornographic or sexual content allowed. - Posting of Fan Art, Reviews, Let's Play videos related to Eredia is allowed. - You are requested to report Bugs in the "Questions and Bug Report" board. This board is for discussion specifically related to the game.
Mar 01, 2017
In Lounge
Hi there! Please abide by the following rules before posting in this board. - This board is for Off Topic discussions. For discussions related to any of our games, please use the dedicated boards. - Discussions related to politics or religion are not allowed. - No flaming, abuse, or spam. - No pornographic or sexual content allowed. - This board is also for introductions and farewells.
Mar 01, 2017
In Questions and Bug Reports
Hi there! Please abide by the following rules before posting in this board. - You can ask general as well as specific questions in this board. However, if your questions are related to a specific game, you also have the liberty of posting in the game's dedicated board. - You are requested to post all bug reports in this board, and not the board dedicated to the game. - No flaming, abuse, or spam. - No pornographic or sexual content allowed. - For bug reports, you are requested to add screenshots wherever necessary.
Mar 01, 2017
In Announcements
The official Potatobrain Forum is now LIVE! Check this section for regular announcements and updates on our games. If you're new to this place, go ahead, introduce yourself in the Lounge. Cheers, and keep on game-loving!


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